Called, Gifted and Sent

Do you believe those words apply to you?

Our theme for this year at St. Anthony on the Lake for our parish and school is Called, Gifted and Sent. I hope you think of yourself as called, gifted and sent. It probably describes who you are more than you realize.

If you are reading this, you probably have been called to live the values of your faith, maybe as a parent, or a friend, or a spouse, or a neighbor. Someone is watching you and knowing God’s love because of you.

You are gifted in a completely unique way. Imagine this- no one, ever in all of time, has been created exactly like you. No one can give- time, understanding, wisdom, empathy, kindness, love- exactly as you can, to another person. You are a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to give to others, in simple or profound ways. You may give the only smile someone receives today. Your love may make a difference in another person’s self-image. You are gifted!

And you may wonder, “How am I being sent?” It is an interesting truth that none of us would even know about God, let alone have a relationship with God, unless someone was sent to us. It is our decision if we are willing to be sent to another. That truth of God’s love dies with us or is sent out into the world because of us. It is an awesome responsibility!

For many reasons, this has been a challenging time of my life. Some days it seemed there was more that was needed of me than I have hours in the day to give. Out of the blue, my friend Robin reached out to me to say she had been thinking of me. I shared my sense of being a bit overwhelmed and asked her to pray for me. This was her response:

Absolutely praying for you! You have many gifts to offer. When anxiety is present, remember it is God that is acting through you making the impact. You are His vessel.

How blessed to have a friend like Robin to remind me it is God who calls, gifts and sends me! Not because of anything I did, earned or deserved but because God has loved me first, and will give me what I need to be who God meant me to be.

I hope you will continue to pray with an open heart to know how our good God calls you, gifts you and sends you to set the world on fire!