I never really liked the fairy tale of Hansel and Gretel. It is a little dark for me. However, I was always impressed with Gretel’s ingenuity to leave a trail of breadcrumbs to find her way home after heading into the woods with her brother. Unfortunately, in the story, birds ate the breadcrumbs, so they didn’t provide the direction needed.
Nonetheless the idea of an identifying path, if even fleeting, has resonated with my spiritual life. When I look back over the years, I can see many times when I have been “lost in the woods,” times when I haven’t been clear about the next step in a decision or a life direction. Growing up, my mother had often suggested her logical method when faced with a decision. She was a big proponent of making two lists to compare and weigh options. I loved my mother dearly but that tended just to confuse me more as both lists seem to be viable choices.
I have found more help from Gretel’s method, watching for the breadcrumbs I have always found God provides. When I pay attention to the quiet, still voice of God in my heart, I find paths where God leads me. Like Gretel’s they may be fleeting, but often God reminds me in impressive or subtle ways I am not alone. God who promised to be with us always, in fact, is. I sense God’s love in kindness from a friend, the words in a song from church, a quote that I hear anew in Scripture, in a moment of beauty in nature, in the voice of someone who loves me.
I have come to hold a deep and abiding trust that God wants the best for me, and the gifts of the Holy Spirit were given to me at my Baptism and sealed in me at my Confirmation are what I need to meet the challenges in my life. With the gifts of knowledge, understanding and wisdom I will find my way through difficulties and decisions I face. And the gift of courage is there, especially when the way seems dark and unclear or new and scary.
I know some people who have such strong faith! Their sense of direction is always keen and unwavering. But some of us, in the complexities of our lives and of those we love, have a deep-seated need to move in life, relying on grace and a few breadcrumbs to know our path. And God’s light, always seems to give the insight, at least to know, the next right step. I hope you recognize breadcrumbs God leaves for you!