

Kathie Amidei 2Dr. Kathie Amidei serves as Pastoral Associate at St. Anthony on the Lake Parish in Wisconsin. She was formerly the Associate Director for Catechesis and Child Ministry for the Archdiocese of Milwaukee. She has served in a number of parishes as a teacher and a director of religious education. She holds a BS in Education, a MA in Theology and a Doctorate in Education and Leadership. Kathie is a national speaker and writer for Our Sunday Visitor Curriculum Division. She is the co-author of, The Journey: A Guide for Persons, Partners and Parents, and Learning Together: Forming Faith in Families, An Intergenerational Resource and a contributing author to Generations Together: Caring, Praying, Learning, Celebrating and Serving Faithfully. Kathie offers presentations and workshops in parishes, districts and dioceses for catechists and catechetical leaders.

Kathie is a wife, mom and grandmother. She lives in Nashotah, WI, with her husband, Jim. Her life’s work has been in catechetical ministry. She enjoys being with her family, learning how people learn, and encouraging and growth in faith. Her passion is to help families engage in their journey of faith in meaningful and practical ways and to infuse parish catechetical ministry with effective and relevant approaches and programing.

“…when a faith community invests in faith formation with all families, ages, and generations of the congregation the outlay is rewarded with more involved, more committed individuals and families, and with faith formation that is more effective for everyone. Parents become lifelong learners when the door is opened by the love they have for their children and when the faith community leaders build a partnership with them.” (“Generations Together”)